How old is Montana Jordan?
Montana Jordan was born on 8 March 2003.
Montana Jordan is 22 years old.
How old is Montana Jordan in days now?
Montana Jordan is 22 years 21 days old.
Total 8,057 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Montana Jordan?
Montana Jordan's next birthday is in 11 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Montana Jordan?
Zodiac sign of Montana Jordan is Pisces.
Montana Jordan is a talented actor known to the general public for his role of George Cooper in a cult TV series Young Sheldon. He was born in 2003 in Texas and grew up in Ore City, alongside his parents and his two siblings. As a young child he loved sports and played football. His debut as a professional actor took place in 2015 when Montana managed to receive a role in a TV series The Legacy of Whitetail Deer Hunter where he starred alongside Josh Brolin. Shortly after Montana was invited to participate in shooting Young Sheldon which made him famous. Later on he joined an episode of The Big Band Theory alongside its superstars. Montana Jordan is a promising actor and his fans hope to see him on the screen again and again. In the late 2023 he announced that he was expecting their first child together and the mid 2024 their daughter came to this world.