How old is Miley Cyrus?
Miley Cyrus was born on 23 November 1992.
Miley Cyrus is 32 years old.
How old is Miley Cyrus in days now?
Miley Cyrus is 32 years 3 months 17 days old.
Total 11,797 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Miley Cyrus?
Miley Cyrus's next birthday is in 8 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Miley Cyrus?
Zodiac sign of Miley Cyrus is Sagittarius.
Destiny Hope Cyrus is an American actress, songwriter, and musician, who became famous in her teenage years as a star of a popular TV series for youth, Hannah Montana. She was born in 1992 in Nashville, in the family of a popular local country music singer Billy Ray Cyrus. She has got two brothers and a sister. Since her early childhood, Destiny Hope received the nickname Smiley, which was soon transformed into Miley. She spent her early years at a farm on the outskirts of the city. When Miley was 8 years old, her family moved to Toronto where she started going to school and attending acting courses. After seeing a famous musical, Mamma Mia!, with her dad, Miley decided to dedicate her life to music and pursue a career as a singer. When she was 11 years old, she applied to receiving a secondary role in Hannah Montana TV series but managed to obtain the main role. She started recording songs and working on the TV project which enjoyed a great popularity. During her work on the TV series, she recorded two albums which received very warm critics and added the number of fans who still adore the young singer. After finishing working on Hannah Montana, Miley was twice named as one of the Most Influential People by the Time's Magazine. She released a few songs, including Malibu, Wrecking Ball, and others. In various cinema projects she collaborated with John Travolta, and at the musical field, she collaborated with her father. Miley Cyrus has dated a few celebrities like an actor Liam Hemsworth, Patric Schwarzenegger, etc. She also wrote a book, Miley Ahead, where she shared her life experiences with her readers. As of the late 2024, she has over 215 million followers on her Instagram account.