How old is Mike Epps?
Mike Epps was born on 18 November 1970.
Mike Epps is 54 years old.
How old is Mike Epps in days now?
Mike Epps is 54 years 3 months 17 days old.
Total 19,833 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mike Epps?
Mike Epps's next birthday is in 8 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mike Epps?
Zodiac sign of Mike Epps is Scorpio.
Mike Epps is a talented and successful comedian who has managed to reach some good fame as a stand up comedian and as an actor. He came to this world in 1970 and was raised in Indianapolis. In his late teenage years he move to Brooklyn and started his professional career there in the mid 1990s by joining a few radio projects of HBO channel. His first cinema project was a movie strays by Vin Diesel which came out in 1997. In the early 2000s he delivered some notable performance in the movies like Next Friday (where he portrayed Day Day Jones), Bait, How High, Friday After Next, All About the Benjamins, The Fighting Temptations, and others. Late 2000s brought a number of other great roles in such epic movies as The Hangover, Resident Evil, Hancock, etc. During 2010s Epps had a lot of very successful participations in cinema movies, TV projects, various events like presentations and sports events. He acted in movies alongside a great number of actors and celebrities, from Will Smith to Jordin Sparks. Mike Epps was married to an actress Mechelle McCain and has two daughter with her. After their divorce he got marries to an OWN producer Kyra Robinson who is the mother of his third daughter.