How old is Mickey Rourke?
Mickey Rourke was born on 16 September 1952.
Mickey Rourke is 72 years old.
How old is Mickey Rourke in days now?
Mickey Rourke is 72 years 6 months 15 days old.
Total 26,494 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mickey Rourke?
Mickey Rourke's next birthday is in 5 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mickey Rourke?
Zodiac sign of Mickey Rourke is Virgo.
Mickey Rourke is an American actor and wrestler who became famous for portraying hot men and tough bad guys. He was born in 1952 as Philip Andre Rourke, but his father, being a fan of Mickey Mantle, a baseball player, used to call his son Mickey. The childhood of Rourke was pretty tough, he grew up in a neighborhood of Miami and learned to protect himself, since his early teen ages. In his youth, Rourke was found of boxing and tried to develop a career in this sports, but it did not go too far. In the early 1980s he took part in a few movies like Rumble Fish, but the first real success came to Rourke with the release of 9 1/2 Weeks, an erotic drama, in which he starred together with Kim Basinger. Angel Heart, Wild Orchid, Barfly, Get Carter, Spun, and, finally, The Wrestler (2008), are among the most notable works of the actor. During his life, Mickey was occasionally returning to boxing. He was married twice and dated plenty of Hollywood actresses. Mickey Rourke is known as an avid dog lover.