How old is Michael J Fox?
Michael J Fox was born on 9 June 1961.
Michael J Fox is 63 years old.
How old is Michael J Fox in days now?
Michael J Fox is 63 years 9 months 5 days old.
Total 23,289 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Michael J Fox?
Michael J Fox's next birthday is in 2 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Michael J Fox?
Zodiac sign of Michael J Fox is Gemini.
Michael J. Fox is an amazing Canadian actor who became famous for his role of Marty McFly in the movie series Back To the Future. Born Michael Andrew Fox in 1961 in Edmonton. When he was 15 years old he was discovered by the scouts and invited to join the TV series Leo and Me. It was very successful at opening the way to the young actor to develop his professional career. In the early 1980s, Fox played the lead role in Back to the Future trilogy produced by Steven Spielberg and received the worldwide recognition. He also played in a few TV Series and movies like Teen Wolf, Causalities of War, Coldblooded, The American President (with Michael Douglas), Mars Attacks! (with Jack Nicholson), and others. When Michael was 29 years old he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease which soon started progressing and made the actor terminate his acting career. During the last 15 years, Fox is rather focused on giving voice to various characters of animated films, as well as investing in various projects related to Parkinson's disease medical research. For his contribution into the cinema arts, Michael J. Fox received four Golden Globe Awards, five Emmy Awards, as well as a Grammy award. He is married to an actress Tracy Pollan and the couple has 4 children.