How old is Max Mills?
Max Mills was born on 31 December 2002.
Max Mills is 22 years old.
How old is Max Mills in days now?
Max Mills is 22 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 8,124 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Max Mills?
Max Mills's next birthday is in 9 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Max Mills?
Zodiac sign of Max Mills is Capricorn.
Max Mills is a young British social media star and pop singer who became popular for his appearances in a few TV programs. He has an identical twin bro Harvey Mills, and the boys were born on the last day of 2002 in Berkshire and grew up there, alongside his two younger siblings. Since their early childhood, the boys were extremely keen on music and singing, so they used to entertain their family members with their covers of various famous songs. When Max and Harvey were in primary school, they were noticed by advert scouts and invited to join some projects on making commercials and ads. When the boys entered their early teen ages, they could play guitar and had a few appearances on TV and stage like taking part in the Sound of Music UK Tour. In the mid-2010s, they opened their TikTok and YouTube channels where the boys began uploading the videos of their singing. The joint channel of the Mills brothers titled maxandharveyofficial is very popular and it is possible to watch the videos for the most popular hits of the brothers like "Stuck on the Ceiling" or "One More Day In Love" there. Harvey and Max Mills are doing a lot of live performances and they have a bright career ahead.