How old is Mark Thomas?
Mark Thomas was born on 29 March 2001.
Mark Thomas is 24 years old.
How old is Mark Thomas in days now?
Mark Thomas is 24 years old.
Total 8,766 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mark Thomas?
Mark Thomas's next birthday is in .
What is the zodiac sign of Mark Thomas?
Zodiac sign of Mark Thomas is Aries.
Mark Thomas is a young Instagram star and a singer who is known for his few first singles released recently. Born in 2001 in Pennsylvania, Mark grew up alongside his elder sister. He first started promoting his account which eventually enjoyed the popularity among 5 million followers. His Instagram account titled duhitzmark now has over 4.5 million subscribers (as of the early 2023). Mark is interested in singing and spends some good time to promoting his singles "Mistletoe", "Selfie", and others. He often collaborates with other media stars like Loren Grey, Kelianne Stankus, Jackson Krecioch, and others. Mark Thomas has recorded his first EP and as of the early 2020s continues working on his new recordings and interesting videos.
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