How old is Maria Canals Barrera?

Maria Canals Barrera was born on 28 September 1966.
Maria Canals Barrera is 58 years old.

How old is Maria Canals Barrera in days now?

Maria Canals Barrera is 58 years 5 months 26 days old.
Total 21,364 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Maria Canals Barrera?

Maria Canals Barrera's next birthday is in 6 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Maria Canals Barrera?

Zodiac sign of Maria Canals Barrera is Libra.

Maria Canals Barrera is an actress known for her roles in a few TV series like Camp Rock and Wizards of Waverly Place as well as a few animated series. She was born in 1966 in Florida, to the parents of Cuban origins. She grew up in Miami and studied drama at the University of Miami. Her professional debut took place in 1990 with a role in a series 21 Jump Street. A few years later she joined the cast of a few series as a recurrent role performer (the series like Key West or Marielena). The mid 1990 she appeared in he first movies, and later in the 2000s and the 2010s she participated in filming about a dozen of films. As a voice actress, she gave voice to some characters of such TV series as The Tony Danza Show, Static Shock, Clifford the Bid Red Dog, The Proud Family, Justice League, Pound Puppies, Madagascar: A Little Wide, The Proud Family, and some others. He roles in many children's series on Disney reveal her talents in acting. Maria Canals Barrera is married to an actor David Barrera and the couple has two daughters.   

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