How old is Maia Reficco?
Maia Reficco was born on 14 July 2000.
Maia Reficco is 24 years old.
How old is Maia Reficco in days now?
Maia Reficco is 24 years 7 months 27 days old.
Total 9,008 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Maia Reficco?
Maia Reficco's next birthday is in 4 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Maia Reficco?
Zodiac sign of Maia Reficco is Cancer.
An outstanding actress and singer, Maia Reficco was born in 2000 in Massachusetts, to the family of Argentinean origins. She spent most of her childhood in Argentina where she studied at school, learned to play a number of musical instruments, did some acrobatics, and received some good training in singing as her mom was a music teacher. When she was 15, her family moved back to the US, to California, and she continued training in vocal, in particular with some known vocal coaches who work with such stars as Camila Cabello or Shawn Mendes. In 2017 Maia was invited to join the cast of Kally's Mashup, a TV series of Nickelodeon in which she appeared in 120 episodes. Later in the decade she took part in some spin offs of the show, and in the early 2020s she became a member of the main cast of Pretty Little Liars by appearing in 18 episodes of the show. As a singer, she recorded a few singles in Spanish language which are known among the fans of Latino music. Finally, in 2024, Maia Reficco performed on Broadway stage and impressed the fans of musicals with her talent.