How old is Madonna?

Madonna was born on 16 August 1958.
Madonna is 66 years old.

How old is Madonna in days now?

Madonna is 66 years 7 months 13 days old.
Total 24,332 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Madonna?

Madonna's next birthday is in 4 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Madonna?

Zodiac sign of Madonna is Leo.

Madonna (her real name is Louise Veronica Ciccone) is a famous singer and songwriter, one of the most successful and the richest musicians of the whole times. She has won 20 MTV and 7 Grammy awards, and she is a very successful businesswoman. She is a daughter of an engineer of Italian origin and was born in 1958 in Michigan, the US. She grew up in a very crowded family, alongside the plenty of her brothers and sisters. She was one of the most hardworking and diligent children in the family. In her early childhood, Louise was interested in dancing and used to take singing lessons as well. After finishing school she went to New York City and started pursuing her career as a dancer, together with the group of local beginner dancers like herself. At the same time, she was singing with a band named Breakfast Club. She recorded her first single in 1982 and shortly after released her first album Like a Virgin, which helped her demonstrate her originality and innovative approach to her image. She started active touring and released two more successful albums. In 1991 she adopted the image of Marlyn Monroe and signed up a contract with Versace. In 1996 her daughter Lourdes Maria was born, and Madonna started getting interested in cabbala and other spiritual practices. She got married to a famous director Guy Ritchie and became a mom of a wonderful son. Today, she is a mother of four children, with two being adopted by her from Malavi. Madonna is interested in various cultures and practices a lot of sports.

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