How old is Luna Blaise?

Luna Blaise was born on 1 October 2001.
Luna Blaise is 22 years old.

How old is Luna Blaise in days now?

Luna Blaise is 22 years 7 months 19 days old.
Total 8,267 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Luna Blaise?

Luna Blaise's next birthday is in 4 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Luna Blaise?

Zodiac sign of Luna Blaise is Libra.

Luna Blaise is a young American TV actress famous for appearing in a large number of commercials for such popular brands as Gap, KFC, McDonald's, Target, and many others. Born in 2001 in California, she grew up alongside his father of Scottish origins and her mom of South American origin. Luna started her professional acting career in quite an early ages by appearing in a short drama Konflooent and then in another drama Vicious Circle. In the mid-2010s, she took part in the projects Memoria, where she starred alongside James Franco, Fresh Off the Boat TV series, as well as in music videos of some popular singers like Jacob Sartorius, etc. Her latest projects include a short film Surviving Teacher 9 and one of the main roles in TV series Manifest. Luna Blaise is also known for her songs like Over You which she recorded both as a singer and a songwriter. She is an avid social media user and as of the mid 2023 has over 1.4 million subscribers on her Instagram account.

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