How old is Lucas Coly?
Lucas Coly was born on 8 July 1997.
Lucas Coly is 27 years old.
How old is Lucas Coly in days now?
Lucas Coly is 27 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 10,106 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lucas Coly?
Lucas Coly's next birthday is in 3 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lucas Coly?
Zodiac sign of Lucas Coly is Cancer.
Lucas Coly is a young singer, an Instagram star and a social media sensation who is famous for a few hits he has recorded. Born in 1997 in France, he grew up alongside his parents and elder brother. He has a typical childhood of a millennial child, with plenty of outdoor activities and a lot of time spent in front of computer. Lucas became active in social media community in the mid 2010s and the first account he had opened was the one in Vine. A few years later Coly opened his Instagram account which became his main social media spot after Vine had been closed. He also has a popular Twitter account with the number of followers close to 200 thousand people. Lucas Coly released some hits like I Just Wanna, My Lil Shawty, Break Ya Back, etc. He is a member of a trio named Tha Diamonds. For man years Lucas has been dating Amber H, a beauty and fashion expert, and together the young people have a joint YouTube channel named Lucas&Amber.
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