How old is Logan Lerman?

Logan Lerman was born on 19 January 1992.
Logan Lerman is 33 years old.

How old is Logan Lerman in days now?

Logan Lerman is 33 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 12,122 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Logan Lerman?

Logan Lerman's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Logan Lerman?

Zodiac sign of Logan Lerman is Capricorn.

Logan Lerman is considered to be one of the most gifted actors among the new generation in Hollywood. Born as Logan Wade Lerman, he has been taking part in various commercials since he was 4 years old. His movie debut was alongside Mel Gibson in Patriot (2000). With Gibson, he followed his character's son in the movie What Women Want. He took part in some TV projects like Officers on Duty and Jack And Bobby. His most memorable roles he played in such motion pictures as The Butterfly Effect, Meet Bill, Three Musketeers, Noah and Fury. Logan Lerman is a huge fan of Jackie Chan and basketball. He is Jewish and is interested in exploring his religion. He is the owner of two dogs and loves spending time playing piano and composing small classic music pieces. In the early 2020s he took part in producing the movies Shirley, Press Play, Bullet Train, and others. In the late 2023 he announced that he was getting married to his long time girlfriend Ana Corrigan, however, still the wedding hasn't taken place.

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