How old is Lindsey Vonn?

Lindsey Vonn was born on 18 October 1984.
Lindsey Vonn is 40 years old.

How old is Lindsey Vonn in days now?

Lindsey Vonn is 40 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 14,772 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lindsey Vonn?

Lindsey Vonn's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lindsey Vonn?

Zodiac sign of Lindsey Vonn is Libra.

Lindsey Vonn is an American skier, the member of the US national team and currently one of the best skiers in the world. She was born as Lindsey Caroline Kildow in 1984 in Minnesota and grew up in a small city, with her four siblings. She started training as a skier when she was 7 and became a winner of her first serious international competition in Italy when she was 14. She joined junior competition of the Olympic games in 2002 and managed to win silver. In the mid-2000s, she became a member of the Red Bull team and had great hopes for the Olympics, but suffered trauma and missed the main tournaments. However, the 2010 and 2014 Olympics became the peak of her career, bringing her a number of titles and victories. Vonn had been trying to bring her to the best form for the Winter Olympics 2018 in South Korea, and she became the winner of bronze on the downhill. Lindsey Vonn was married to Thomas Wood, a skier, but they divorced in 2011. She is considered one of the most good looking female athletes, and for some time she was dating Tiger Woods, but they could not stay together for long.

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