How old is Lin-Manuel Miranda?
Lin-Manuel Miranda was born on 16 January 1980.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is 45 years old.
How old is Lin-Manuel Miranda in days now?
Lin-Manuel Miranda is 45 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 16,508 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lin-Manuel Miranda?
Lin-Manuel Miranda's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lin-Manuel Miranda?
Zodiac sign of Lin-Manuel Miranda is Capricorn.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a famous American composer, conductor, actor, and singer who is very famous for his work on Broadway plays. He was born in 1980 in New York City and started composing his first songs in his very early ages. He began his professional career as a musician and composer in the early 2000s as a Broadway actor and a participant of some TV programs. Miranda worked on musicals In The Heights (for which he received the Grammy and a few Tony Awards) and The West Side Story. In the current decade, his most notable works include the musicals Bring It On: the Musical, Hamilton: an American Musical, etc. He contributed as a composer to the cinema projects like Moana, Mary Poppins Returns, Star Wars, etc. On TV, he appeared in such TV series as The Electric Company, Do No Harm, Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well as made guest appearance in an episode of such TV hits as Sopranos, Modern Family, Smash, How I Met Your Mother, etc. Miranda was a guest of Saturday Night Live. He has a large number of awards including three Grammies, a Pulitzer Prize, an Emmy Award, and so on. He is married to his high school sweetheart and the couple has 2 children. Lin-Manuel Miranda is an avid activist and takes part in various projects to support people of Hispanic origins.