How old is Lily-Rose Depp?
Lily-Rose Depp was born on 27 May 1999.
Lily-Rose Depp is 25 years old.
How old is Lily-Rose Depp in days now?
Lily-Rose Depp is 25 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 9,416 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lily-Rose Depp?
Lily-Rose Depp's next birthday is in 2 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lily-Rose Depp?
Zodiac sign of Lily-Rose Depp is Gemini.
Lily Rose Depp is a beautiful and extremely talented actress who has recently become a rising star following her success in her father's movies. Born in 1999 in Paris, to her star parents, an actor and producer Johnny Depp and a singer and model Vanessa Paradis. She spent her childhood alongside her younger brother and began appearing on screen when she was 15. In 2014 she took part in filming her father's movie Tusk. Two years later she portrayed Isadora Duncan in the movie The Dancer, and recorded her first hits as a soundtrack for Yoga Horses movie. Later in the decade she was invited to join a few projects as a model, as well as participated in producing such movies as The King which made her famous. Lily Rose Depp has recently appeared in a few great movies including Crisis (with Gary Oldman), Voyagers, Silent Night (with Keira Knightley), etc. She is sometimes involved in various social and political campaigns, together with her celebrity parents.