How old is Liam Neeson?
Liam Neeson was born on 7 June 1962.
Liam Neeson is 62 years old.
How old is Liam Neeson in days now?
Liam Neeson is 62 years 9 months 20 days old.
Total 22,939 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Liam Neeson?
Liam Neeson's next birthday is in 2 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Liam Neeson?
Zodiac sign of Liam Neeson is Gemini.
Liam Neeson is an American actor and sportsman of Irish origin, who was born in 1962 in Northern Ireland, in the family of devoted Catholics. Since his early childhood Liam dreamed to be a teacher, but soon his boxing talent started winning, and he decided to try developing his career in sports. In 1976 he noticed an advertisement in a local newspaper saying that Belfast Theater is looking for a tall person for a small role. This was the start of his acting career, and he became a paid actor of Belfast Theater for a few years. His cinema debut took place in 1981, in the movie The Excalibur of John Boorman. During the next 5 years, Neeson worked in a few movies together with such actors as Robert De Niro, Mel Gibson, and others. The peak of his career was marked by the role in the famous masterpiece of Spielberg, Shindler's List, which brought Neeson The Academy Award for the best actor. Later on, he delivered amazing performances in the variety of movies, including thrillers, action movies, sci-fi movies, like Kinsey, Gangs of New York, The Haunting, After Life, the trilogy Taken, and many others. Neeson provided the voice to a number of animated films, including Chronicles of the Narnia. He is interested in politics and is doing a lot of charity work. He was married twice and has 2 sons whom he has with his second wife, Natasha Richardson. She died in 2009 as a result of a skiing accident. Since 2011, Neesen is an Ambassador of Good Will and is an avid promoter of cinema industry around the world. He is an anti-abortion activist as well.