How old is Liam Hemsworth?

Liam Hemsworth was born on 13 January 1990.
Liam Hemsworth is 35 years old.

How old is Liam Hemsworth in days now?

Liam Hemsworth is 35 years 2 months 13 days old.
Total 12,856 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Liam Hemsworth?

Liam Hemsworth's next birthday is in 9 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Liam Hemsworth?

Zodiac sign of Liam Hemsworth is Capricorn.

Liam Hemsworth is an extremely talented Australian actor known as one of Hunger Games movie series cast, as well as the younger brother of famous Chris Hemsworth, who portrayed Thor in a number of Marvel movies about Super Heroes. They actually have another elder brother, Luke, who is also an actor. Liam was born in Melbourne, Australia, but grew up on the Philip Island. His professional career started in 2007 when the 17-year-old Liam appeared in some local Australian TV shows and programs (TV series Neighbors, etc.). The next year he was offered to continue at Australian TV and take park in some programs for kids, but a year later, after moving to the US, Liam was invited to join the cast of Expendables by Sylvester Stallone. Unfortunately, the role did not make it to the final cut. Instead, Liam played a bit bigger role in Expendables 2 later on. The same year, during the filming of The Last Song he met Miley Cyrus, with whom he had lasting on and off relationships and was engaged. Apart of Hunger Games series, Liam took part in such movies as Love and Honour, Empire State, Cut Bank, The Dressmaker (with Kate Winslet), The Duel (with Woody Harrelson). Liam Hemsworth is a vegan, and he is a member of various charity organizations protecting the rights of children.

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