How old is Lebron James?
Lebron James was born on 30 December 1984.
Lebron James is 40 years old.
How old is Lebron James in days now?
Lebron James is 40 years 2 months 27 days old.
Total 14,699 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lebron James?
Lebron James's next birthday is in 9 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Lebron James?
Zodiac sign of Lebron James is Capricorn.
Lebron James is one of the most successful and popular professional NBA players of the modern times. He holds a number of team and personal records, and has become a part of the basketball history of the early 21st century. Lebron was born in 1984 in Akron, Ohio, and in his childhood, he used to change places of living too often, which contributed to him becoming quite unsocial. However, he was a huge fan of American football and basketball, and the latter he preferred to take up as a sport in high school times since Lebron was quite tall. His high school teammates remember that he could play on any of the five positions on the court, starting from the playmaker and ending up with the center. In 1999, his high school team became a state champion among the teams of their peers. In the summertime, Lebron James worked even harder in various summer camps of students' basketball teams. Adidas ABCD Camp was where Cleveland Cavaliers coaches noticed Lebron and invited him to join the team. He played for it for 7 years and brought 2 Champion titles until in 2010 he was given to Miami Heat and brought the team to 4 consequent participation in NBA finals. In 2014 he chose to be back to Cleveland, where he is continuing his career now and leading the team to new victories and triumphs. Lebron has 4 NBA MVP Awards, 4 MBA Champion titles, 2 Olympic Gold Medals, and 4 NBA Final MVP Awards. He is one of the most talented and richest NBA players ever, along with Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Magic Johnson. In the early 2023 he broke the record of Kareem Abdul Jabbar and became the best scorer in the whole NBA history.