How old is Lani Randol?

Lani Randol was born on 16 May 1999.
Lani Randol is 25 years old.

How old is Lani Randol in days now?

Lani Randol is 25 years 4 days old.
Total 9,136 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lani Randol?

Lani Randol's next birthday is in 11 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lani Randol?

Zodiac sign of Lani Randol is Taurus.

Lani Randol is a young American model who is famous for her few successful projects with a few popular clothing lines. She was born and grew up in Oklahoma, alongside her younger brothers Cash Baker and Maverick Baker. Lani is a big fan of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating, so she opened her personal blog, the Model Diet, where she comments on various aspects of healthy eating. Currently, she has almost a half million followers in her Instagram account. Despite being quite young, Lani Randol has a long experience of working as a model. In particular, she appeared in the NBC project Deal or No Deal. She is married to Garret Randol.

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