How old is Kelianne Stankus?
Kelianne Stankus was born on 29 March 1996.
Kelianne Stankus is 28 years old.
How old is Kelianne Stankus in days now?
Kelianne Stankus is 28 years 11 months 25 days old.
Total 10,589 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kelianne Stankus?
Kelianne Stankus's next birthday is in 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kelianne Stankus?
Zodiac sign of Kelianne Stankus is Aries.
Kelianne Stankus is a beautiful young lady and a gymnast known also as a very successful TikToker. Born in 1996 in the US, she was raised by her parents alongside her two brothers. Gymnastics, dancing and acrobatics have been her passion since her early years, and little Kelianne received some really great training in each of those. When she was a teenager, she was included to the US National Acrobatic Team and participated in a great number of competitions and contests around the country and beyond. Like all modern people, Stankus loves spending time promoting her social media channels. She has a popular YouTube channel which became known some years ago for her routine that she had performed for one of the songs of Justin Bieber. She has an Instagram page which is popular as well, but she is the most famous on TikTok where she has been posting plenty of interesting stuff dedicated to her gymnastic and dancing achievements, etc. As of the early 2023, there are almost 9 million followers on Kelianne Stankus' TikTok channel. In the late 2020 she got engaged to a popular Californian model Chase Mattson. They got married in 2022, and a year later they welcomed their first child.