How old is kazitube?

kazitube was born on 29 November 1999.
kazitube is 25 years old.

How old is kazitube in days now?

kazitube is 25 years 4 months old.
Total 9,252 days old now.

When is the next birthday of kazitube?

kazitube's next birthday is in 8 months.

What is the zodiac sign of kazitube?

Zodiac sign of kazitube is Sagittarius.

One of the most charismatic growing vlogers on Instagram and YouTube, kazitube has been positioning himself as a professional content and digital content maker since the very first day on the platform. Born in 1999 in Bangladesh, he was raised by his parents of Bangladeshi and American origins. He has been interested in social media activities since he was a young teenager and decided to open his YouTube channel when he was only 13. Even though he himself hadn't been really active at the beginning, close to the end of the decade he learned how to use the platform to attract some new fans and decided to focus on his daily life as the main topic. His Instagram account came to life in the early 2020s and as of now (January 2025) there are about 130 thousand people following it. It is possible to see plenty of photos of his with his family and close people getting involved in various interesting activities. kazitube has recently dedicated a tribute photo to his late grandma.

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