How old is Katherine Langford?
Katherine Langford was born on 29 April 1996.
Katherine Langford is 28 years old.
How old is Katherine Langford in days now?
Katherine Langford is 28 years 10 months 12 days old.
Total 10,545 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Katherine Langford?
Katherine Langford's next birthday is in 1 month 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Katherine Langford?
Zodiac sign of Katherine Langford is Taurus.
Katherine Langford is an Australian TV actress known for her wonderful performance in the NETFLIX TV series 13 Reasons Why. She was born in 1996 in a neighborhood of Perth and grew up alongside her sister. Their parents are both doctors. In her late childhood, she started receiving plenty of training in music, playing musical instruments and singing. Lady Gaga used to be her main idol in music. In her high school times, Kate was focused on learning drama and acting, as well as doing great at sports like swimming. Her acting debut took place in the mid-2010s when Langford appeared in a few independent movies. 2017 became a breakthrough year for her since she was invited to join the cast of 13 Reasons Why where Kate appeared for two seasons. Her hard work was noticed and she's got a nomination for the Golden Globe Award. Lately, Katherine Langford appeared in a few movies like Knives Out, Love Simon, etc.