How old is Kate Beckinsale?

Kate Beckinsale was born on 26 July 1973.
Kate Beckinsale is 51 years old.

How old is Kate Beckinsale in days now?

Kate Beckinsale is 51 years 7 months 14 days old.
Total 18,857 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kate Beckinsale?

Kate Beckinsale's next birthday is in 4 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kate Beckinsale?

Zodiac sign of Kate Beckinsale is Leo.

Kate Beckinsale is a famous British actress. She was born in London, in the family of two actors. Her father Richard was a successful theater actor, but he died when he was only 32 due to a heart attack. In her early ages, Kate tried her writing talents, and in high school, her plays were awarded by a special commission. In 1991 she entered Oxford University and shortly after that her acting career started with the movie One Against the Wind. In 1994 Kate left the university and decided to develop her acting career to the fullest. She played the main roles in such movies as Prince of Rutland, Emma, Haunted, and Brokedown Palace. The first wave of fame covered young actress in 2001, with the movie Pearl Harbor where she worked with Michael Bay. Later on, due to her amazing mystic beauty, the actress took part in plenty horror and sci-fi related movies like Underworld, Van Helsing, etc. The Aviator, Whiteout, and Total Recall are among other most successful movies of Kate Beckinsale. The actress is married to Len Wiseman and has a lovely daughter. 

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