How old is Julia Roberts?
Julia Roberts was born on 28 October 1967.
Julia Roberts is 57 years old.
How old is Julia Roberts in days now?
Julia Roberts is 57 years 4 months 9 days old.
Total 20,952 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Julia Roberts?
Julia Roberts's next birthday is in 7 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Julia Roberts?
Zodiac sign of Julia Roberts is Scorpio.
Julia Fiona Roberts is one of the most successful and famous actresses of modern Hollywood who played in a large number of movies, especially drama and romantic ones. She was born in 1967 in Smyrna, Georgia. Her parents were amateur actors and they were of Swedish, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish origin. Julia was the third child in the family, and she spent her late childhood working in cafes and trying her chances in acting, just like her elder brother Erik. She studied journalism at Atlanta University and then she started her acting career in 1988, with the movie Mystic Pizza. She played significant roles in such movies as My Best Friend's Wedding, Nothing Hill, Runaway Bride, but her unforgettable role in the movie Pretty Woman, where she starred together with Richard Gere, brought her true recognition and numerous awards, including the Golden Globe. She received the Academy Award in 2000, for the movie Erin Brockovich. Julia Roberts was married twice and has 3 children. In 2022 she appeared alongside George Clooney in a successful romantic comedy Ticket To Paradise.