How old is Jordyn Woods?
Jordyn Woods was born on 23 September 1997.
Jordyn Woods is 27 years old.
How old is Jordyn Woods in days now?
Jordyn Woods is 27 years 6 months 3 days old.
Total 10,046 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jordyn Woods?
Jordyn Woods's next birthday is in 5 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jordyn Woods?
Zodiac sign of Jordyn Woods is Libra.
Jordyn Woods is a famous American model and Internet celebrity known for her very popular Instagram account. She was born in 1997 in California and grew up in a family related to arts. Her mom is a talent scout, so both Jordyn and her sister have got a chance to demonstrate and develop their talents since their early ages. The family of Woods is friends with the families of Jada and Will Smith, the Kardashian family, etc. Jaden Smith introduced Jordyn to Kylie Jenner, who became the roommate and the best friend of her. Woods has been interested in fashion and modeling, and she signed up with an agency. She is also a very active social network enthusiast, with over 12 million followers on Instagram and very popular channels on YouTube and Twitter (as of the mid 2024). Jordyn Woods has been dating a basketball player Karl-Anthony Towns.