How old is JonBenet Ramsey?

JonBenet Ramsey was born on 6 August 1990. JonBenet Ramsey died on 25 December 1996 at the age of 6 years.

What was the exact age of JonBenet Ramsey?

JonBenet Ramsey's exact age was 6 years 4 months 19 days old. JonBenet Ramsey lived for total 2,333 days.

What would be the age of JonBenet Ramsey if alive?

JonBenet Ramsey's exact age would be 34 years 5 months 16 days old if alive. Total 12,588 days.

What is the zodiac sign of JonBenet Ramsey?

Zodiac sign of JonBenet Ramsey is Leo.

JonBenet Ramsey was a child model and a beauty queen known for her incredible beauty and really very short life.. She was born in 1990 in Atlanta, Georgia, to the parents John Bennett Ramsey and Pat Ramsey. She also had an elder brother and spent her childhood in Boulder, Colorado. Her father was a businessman involved in some IT business. Since her early years JonBenet was an extremely beautiful child and her mom Pat began signing her up to various beauty pageants and child modeling events. In the mid 1990s the girl won a large number of titles including National Tiny Miss Beauty, Little Miss Colorado, Colorado State All Star Kids Cover Girl, America's Royal Miss, Little Miss Charlevoix, and so on. In December 1996 JonBenet Ramsey was first announced missing and later on found murdered in the cellar of her house in Boulder. She was only 6 years old. This case still remains unsolved and remains one of the saddest and the most mysterious child deaths in the history of the world... 

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