How old is John Travolta?
John Travolta was born on 18 February 1954.
John Travolta is 71 years old.
How old is John Travolta in days now?
John Travolta is 71 years 19 days old.
Total 25,952 days old now.
When is the next birthday of John Travolta?
John Travolta's next birthday is in 11 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of John Travolta?
Zodiac sign of John Travolta is Aquarius.
John Joseph Travolta is a Hollywood actor, famous for his brilliant roles in a variety of movies, from musicals to action and horror. Born in 1954 in New Jersey, John was the youngest of his five siblings, and their mum was an amateur actress and teacher. All of her children became actors, with John being the most successful of all. He started his career with his role in an American sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter, followed by his roles in musicals Grease, Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive. He went on by playing a number of romantic comedies Two Of a Kind, Perfect, Look Who's Talking, or Eyes of an Angel. However, soon there was an upturn waiting for him when Travolta was offered a role in Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction where he starred with Samuel Jackson and Bruce Willis. His performance was stunning, and John continued his successful career by taking part in various action movies like Broken Arrow, Face Off (with Nick Cage), Mad City (with Dustin Hoffman), The Thin Red Line, Swordfish (with Hugh Jackman), The Punisher, and others. John likes aircrafts and has his private pilot license. Travolta was married to an American model Kelly Preston, and the couple had 3 children. Sadly, in 2009 their son Jett passed away at the age of 16, and in summer 2020 Kelly Preston lost her battle with cancer dying at the age of only 57...