How old is John Malkovich?
John Malkovich was born on 9 December 1953.
John Malkovich is 71 years old.
How old is John Malkovich in days now?
John Malkovich is 71 years 3 months old.
Total 26,023 days old now.
When is the next birthday of John Malkovich?
John Malkovich's next birthday is in 9 months.
What is the zodiac sign of John Malkovich?
Zodiac sign of John Malkovich is Sagittarius.
John Malkovich is a famous American actor, director, and producer of Croatian origin. He was born in 1953 in Illinois and was a part of a crowded family with 6 children. He was interested in acting and began appearing in school theater performances and musicals when he was in high school. In the later 1970s, he started his acting career in Chicago theaters, and soon after he moved to New York in order to extend his acting opportunities and possibly begin his cinema acting career. In 1983 his first TV film, Say Goodnight Gracie came out, followed by the ones like Dangerous Liaisons (with Michelle Pfeiffer), The Killing Fields, Empire of the Sun, The Object of Beauty, In the Light of Fire (with Clint Eastwood), Of Mice and Men, Con Air (with Nick Cage), Rounders (with Edward Norton and Matt Damon), The Man in the Iron Mask (with Leonardo DiCaprio and Gerard Depardieu), Knockaround Guys (with Vin Diesel and Dennis Hopper), Being John Malkovich, Shadow of the Vampire, Red movie series (with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and others), Casanova Variations, etc. In 2010s John Malkovich tried himself as a movie director as well. He was married to an actress Glenne Headly and has been in a relationship with Nicoletta Peyran.