How old is John Krasinski?
John Krasinski was born on 20 October 1979.
John Krasinski is 45 years old.
How old is John Krasinski in days now?
John Krasinski is 45 years 5 months 10 days old.
Total 16,598 days old now.
When is the next birthday of John Krasinski?
John Krasinski's next birthday is in 6 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of John Krasinski?
Zodiac sign of John Krasinski is Libra.
John Krasinski is a famous actor and a TV personality known for his performances in a few popular TV shows including The Office. He was born in 1979 in Boston and was raised by his parents, alongside his two elder brothers. John began getting interested in acting in his early teen ages and started taking part in stage performances of his school theater. Before starting his career as an actor, he used to work as a teacher of English and in the early 2000s Krasinski moved to NYC in order to appear on stages of some famous theaters. Before obtaining one of the main roles in TV series The Office he took part in a few movies and TV projects, but this famous TV series made him known all around the world. So far, Krasinski appeared in such TV series as Head Games, Without A Trace, SCI: New York, Jack Ryan, and a few others, as well as in such movies as Leatherheads, Away We Go, Promised Land, Big Miracle, Aloha, The Hollars, and others. He also tried himself as a writer and a director of a few films. John Krasinski is married to Emily Blunt, an actress, and the couple has two children.