How old is Jodie Sweetin?
Jodie Sweetin was born on 19 January 1982.
Jodie Sweetin is 43 years old.
How old is Jodie Sweetin in days now?
Jodie Sweetin is 43 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 15,774 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jodie Sweetin?
Jodie Sweetin's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jodie Sweetin?
Zodiac sign of Jodie Sweetin is Capricorn.
Jodie Sweetin is an American actress who gained her fame for her role in the popular TV series Full House. Born in 1982 in LA, Jodie had a difficult childhood. She was adopted and raised by her uncle. Jodie loved acting and as a child was really cute, so when she was 5 years old, she was noticed by some local talent scouts and invited to take part in a few commercial film projects. At about those years, she started being invited to various TV shows and sitcoms like The Hogan Family and Full House where she portrayed Stefanie Tanner. She was a member of the cast for 8 seasons and later on took part in a large number of the follow-up projects. In the late 1990s, Jodie took part in two more TV series and continued her acting and dancing classes. At the beginning of the current century, Sweetin appeared in such series as Pants-Off Dance Off, as well as in a few TV films. Lately, Jodie Sweetin participated in the TV show Dancing With the Stars as well as playing the main role in TV series like Fuller House, Hollywood Darlings, etc. She was married three times and has two children. Sweetin is a good friend of Candace Cameron.