How old is Jennifer Morrison?
Jennifer Morrison was born on 12 April 1979.
Jennifer Morrison is 45 years old.
How old is Jennifer Morrison in days now?
Jennifer Morrison is 45 years 10 months 26 days old.
Total 16,769 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jennifer Morrison?
Jennifer Morrison's next birthday is in 1 month 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jennifer Morrison?
Zodiac sign of Jennifer Morrison is Aries.
A known American actress, director and social media personality, Jennifer Morrison is known for her roles in a few very popular TV series of the first two decades of the century. She was born and grew up in Illinois, alongside her two siblings and parents who had to do with music. Thus, in her childhood, Jen was exposed to a large number of great music styles and also learned to play some musical instruments including the clarinet. In her high school times, she was a cheerleader, as well as a model taking part in various projects related to commercial filming. Her cinema debut took place in 1994 when she appeared in the movie Intersection (with Sharon Stone and Richard Gere). However, she started working closely in acting in the early 2000s and so far she has appeared in over three dozens of movies like Urban Legends, Mr. and Mrs. Smith (with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt), Big Stan, Star Trek, The Darkness, Sun Dogs (which she also directed), Superfly, Bombshell, etc. Jennifer Morrison is the most famous for her great performance in the TV series House where she starred alongside Hugh Lorie for 12 years. She also contributed greatly to creating such TV series as Once Upon a Time and How I Met Your Mother.