How old is Jennie Kim?
Jennie Kim was born on 16 January 1996.
Jennie Kim is 29 years old.
How old is Jennie Kim in days now?
Jennie Kim is 29 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 10,664 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jennie Kim?
Jennie Kim's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jennie Kim?
Zodiac sign of Jennie Kim is Capricorn.
Jennie Kim is a famous Korean pop singer and rapper known as a part of a popular all-girl group Blackpink. She was born Jennie Kim in 1996 in a small neighborhood of Seoul and when she was a primary school student she was sent to continue her studies in New Zealand. She made her first steps in her career there, by learning music, singing, and gaining her first experience in the TV industry. Jennie was back to South Korea in 2010 and that's when she joined auditions for the biggest national entertainment company for becoming one of the industry trainees. During the next five years, she started appearing as a back vocalist for various singers like G-Dragon or Big Bang. In summer 2016 Jennie was invited to join Blackpink, a girl group with which she collaborated for 2 years and released 1 studio album and 3 EP. In 2018 Jennie announced starting her solo career and began working as a model for a number of beauty brands like Chanel and others. Thus, in addition to her singing career, Jennie Kim became a member of the fashion community and joined a number of promoters of her native culture to the world.