How old is Janet Jackson?
Janet Jackson was born on 16 May 1966.
Janet Jackson is 58 years old.
How old is Janet Jackson in days now?
Janet Jackson is 58 years 10 months 12 days old.
Total 21,501 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Janet Jackson?
Janet Jackson's next birthday is in 1 month 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Janet Jackson?
Zodiac sign of Janet Jackson is Taurus.
Janet Jackson (born Janet Damita Jo Jackson) is an American singer and songwriter. She is a sister of Michael Jackson and the youngest daughter of the Jacksons, born in 1966 in Indiana. Since her earliest ages, she was exposed to plenty of music since her elder brothers were performing as "Jacksons 5" and their popularity was increasing. She became a part of the TV show The Jacksons, and later on continued appearing on TV, including the sitcoms like Fame, Different Strokes, Good Times, and others. However, in the early 1980s, Janet signed up with A&M Records and started releasing her albums, with especially successful ones, Control, Janet, The Velvet Rope and All for You. She collaborated with a number of singers including her brother Michael. During her lasting musical career, Janet has sold over 100 million records, becoming one of the best selling pop singers of all times. She made plenty of tours and performed in many countries of the world. Janet Jackson was married three times and has a son. In 2011 she released a book, True You. She is the owner of a record label and a producer of many young musicians.