How old is James Amendola?
James Amendola was born on 10 October 1997.
James Amendola is 27 years old.
How old is James Amendola in days now?
James Amendola is 27 years 5 months 18 days old.
Total 10,031 days old now.
When is the next birthday of James Amendola?
James Amendola's next birthday is in 6 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of James Amendola?
Zodiac sign of James Amendola is Libra.
James Amendola is quite popular on Instagram as a healthy life style promoter and a funny content maker, with the audience approaching 150 thousand people, as of the late 2024. He was born in 1997 and spent his childhood in Indiana, alongside his friends and family. As a teenager he loved computers, games, and a good company. Together with his friends, he became a member of the Unspeakable Crew before starting his solo journey on the platform. They would get involved in various kinds of physical or outdoor activities as a group, and it would be a great fun to watch them so the videos produced by the team attracted a large number of views. Later on James decided to launch his personal TikTok and Instagram accounts where he would talk and share the things he likes like athletics, exercising and physical activities, healthy and positive lifestyle, etc. Recently, the number of his Instagram followers has been growing as well and soon it will reach the same number as his TikTok one. James Amendola has a lovely and friendly dog named Chess.
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