How old is Jack Nicholson?

Jack Nicholson was born on 22 April 1937.
Jack Nicholson is 87 years old.

How old is Jack Nicholson in days now?

Jack Nicholson is 87 years 11 months 6 days old.
Total 32,117 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jack Nicholson?

Jack Nicholson's next birthday is in 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jack Nicholson?

Zodiac sign of Jack Nicholson is Taurus.

Jack Nicholson is a talented American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter. Born in 1937 in New Jersey and was brought up by his grandma. After finishing high school he made his way to LA where he started attending various acting classes and dreaming about developing a successful acting career. For the first time, he appeared on Hollywood movie screen in 1958, but the first serious success came to Nicholson almost 10 years later, in 1969, when he played in Dennis Hopper's movie Easy Rider. His character was showing incredible inner freedom which soon became the most distinguishable sign of Nicholson's roles. The following most important works of Nicholson include Five Easy Pieces, Drive, He Said, Chinatown, and finally One Flew Over the Cocoo's Nest, the striking work which resulted in bringing the first Academy Award to Nicholson. This role also resulted in a small professional decline of the actor who probably got a bit bored of acting. He came back to the business in the 1980s, with the new characteristic performances in The Shining, Terms of Endearment, Prizzi's Honor, The Witches of Eastwick and, of course, Batman, where he delivered an outstanding portrayal of the Joker. His later best movies include Mars Attacks, As Good As It Gets, Something's Gotta Give, and Anger Management, where Jack Nicholson tried himself in an obvious comedy role. He is a huge fan of basketball and a modern art collector. He has 5 children.

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