How old is Jack Black?
Jack Black was born on 28 August 1969.
Jack Black is 55 years old.
How old is Jack Black in days now?
Jack Black is 55 years 6 months 11 days old.
Total 20,284 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jack Black?
Jack Black's next birthday is in 5 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jack Black?
Zodiac sign of Jack Black is Virgo.
Jack Black is a famous American comedian, actor and singer, known for his cinema roles and singles. Born Thomas Jacob Black in 1969 in California, he grew up in a Jewish family, alongside his parents and numerous step siblings. He started appearing in TV commercials and other small projects in the early 1980s, and in the end of the decade he became a member of a local actors' gang. He established a lot of connections there and, together with his friend Kyle Gass, he founded a musical-comedy duo Tenacious D. Black started appearing on TV in the early 1990s and his most significant works include such projects like Mr. Show With Bob and David, Computerman, Drunk History, many TV movies, as well as hosting quite a large number of award ceremonies. In the cinema, Jack Black is known for his brilliant performances in such movies as Demolition Man (with Sylvester Stallone), Mars Attacks! (with Jack Nicholson), The Jackal (with Bruce Willis and Richard Gere), Enemy Of the State (with Will Smith), High Fidelity (with John Cusack), School of Rock, Nacho Libre, King Kong (with Naomi Watts), Tropic Thunder (with Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr), King Fu Panda series, Jumanji series (with Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart), and many others. He was nominated for many awards like the Golden Globe and was introduced to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.