How old is India Slayz?
India Slayz was born on 17 December 2009.
India Slayz is 15 years old.
How old is India Slayz in days now?
India Slayz is 15 years 3 months 9 days old.
Total 5,578 days old now.
When is the next birthday of India Slayz?
India Slayz's next birthday is in 8 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of India Slayz?
Zodiac sign of India Slayz is Sagittarius.
A YouTube starlet who became famous for her smart ideas and interesting points of view that she has been sharing for a few years with her audience, India Slayz was born in 2009 in California. Since her early childhood she has been interested in sports and gymnastics in which she has received a lot of training and some competitive experience. As a secondary school student she was involved in cheerleading and numerous social projects of her school. After launching her YouTube channel in 2021, she began to climb on the success ladder really fast, and by January 2025 she has managed to attract almost two thirds of a million subscribers to her channel. However, the total number of the views of her videos is truly impressive and now it is exceeding 470 million ones. India Slayz sometimes invites he fellow YouTuber to take part in making her content, and such videos are always very successful and interesting.
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