How old is Ian Jeffrey?

Ian Jeffrey was born on 17 December 2001.
Ian Jeffrey is 23 years old.

How old is Ian Jeffrey in days now?

Ian Jeffrey is 23 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 8,486 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ian Jeffrey?

Ian Jeffrey's next birthday is in 9 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ian Jeffrey?

Zodiac sign of Ian Jeffrey is Sagittarius.

Ian Jeffrey is a young Instagram and social media star, known also as the younger brother of James Charles, a fashion and make-up artist. His real name is Ian Dickinson and he was born in 2001 in New York City. Since his childhood, Ian has been very keen on basketball and used to play for the high school team as a guard for a few years. Nowadays he often visits his famous brother in California and sometimes appears in his videos. In the late 2010s Ian Jeffrey briefly dated Loren Gray. He has been running his Instagram account which is currently enjoying the attention of over 1 million followers (as of the mid 2024). Surely, sometimes he collaborates on making some cool and fascinating content with his star brother.

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