How old is James Charles?

James Charles was born on 23 May 1999.
James Charles is 25 years old.

How old is James Charles in days now?

James Charles is 25 years 10 months 5 days old.
Total 9,441 days old now.

When is the next birthday of James Charles?

James Charles's next birthday is in 1 month 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of James Charles?

Zodiac sign of James Charles is Gemini.

James Charles is a young American model and  social media personality known for his YouTube channel. Born James Charles Dickinson in 1999 in New York, in his high school times he started being interested in visual arts, make-up, and various beauty related activities. He opened his YouTube channel in 2015 and started posting make-up and beauty related videos there. James has managed to attract 20 million subscribers so far (as of the mid 2024), and his Instagram account has approximately the same number of followers. In the autumn of 2018 James Charles received the award for the best beauty-related YouTube channel. He has been modeling and working as beauty chancellor since 2017. He became the first male model for CoverGirl. James Charles participates in many various fashion events and does podium walking quite often.

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