How old is Heath Ledger?
Heath Ledger was born on 4 April 1979. Heath Ledger died on 22 January 2008 at the age of 28 years.
What was the exact age of Heath Ledger?
Heath Ledger's exact age was 28 years 9 months 18 days old. Heath Ledger lived for total 10,520 days.
What would be the age of Heath Ledger if alive?
Heath Ledger's exact age would be 45 years 10 months 18 days old if alive. Total 16,761 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Heath Ledger?
Zodiac sign of Heath Ledger is Aries.
One of the most famous and notable Australian actors of the modern times, Heathcliff Andrew Ledger was born in Perth, in 1979, in a family of two British immigrants. He and his sister grew up in a good environment and attended very good schools. Since his early school times, Heath was very much interested in sports (particularly ice hockey), dancing, and acting. When he was just 15 years old, he formed his own small school acting studio, which was very popular and successful in local acting competitions. After finishing school Heath managed to obtain small, and then more significant roles in various TV projects, including the famous TV project Sweat, as well as Home and Away, Paws, etc. Very soon, the young man headed to the US in order to find some better career opportunities there. His first movies, Two Hands and 10 Things I Hate About You, did not bring much of fame, but Heath was lucky to receive a role in the movie Patriot (2000) where he worked together with Mel Gibson and had a great kind of acting training, followed by participating in such projects as Monster's Ball (2001), Ned Kelly (2003), The Grimm Brothers (2005). In the 2000s he reached the first peak in his career, with his amazing performance in Brokeback Mountain (2005) where together with Jake Gyllenhaal he portrayed difficult relationships between two men. Finally, in 2008, Ledger delivered a breathtaking performance in the movie Dark Knight, where he was given the role of the Joker. Nobody could believe that it was possible to play this role better than Jack Nicholson, but many would agree that Ledger managed to do so. In January 2008, Heath Ledger was found dead in his home in New York. According to the doctors, his death was caused by an overdose of some prescribed medicines. The actor was only 28 years old. After his death, his family received the Academy Award and The Golden Globe award for his stunning performance in The Dark Knight. Ledger had a lovely daughter born in 2005, who looks a lot like her father.