How old is Gregg Sulkin?
Gregg Sulkin was born on 29 May 1992.
Gregg Sulkin is 32 years old.
How old is Gregg Sulkin in days now?
Gregg Sulkin is 32 years 10 months old.
Total 11,992 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gregg Sulkin?
Gregg Sulkin's next birthday is in 2 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Gregg Sulkin?
Zodiac sign of Gregg Sulkin is Gemini.
Gregg Sulkin is a British actor and television star who is known for his roles in various TV series of Disney, MTV, and other popular channels. Born in 1992 in a neighborhood of London, Gregg grew up in a Jewish family. He started his acting career in the early 2000s with a role in a teleplay Doctor Zhivago. In the middle of the decade, he began appearing in cinema and took part in filming movies like Sixty-Six, and The< Heavenly, as well as TV series Man on the Moon, As the Bell Rings and others. During the 2010s Sulkin participated in creating such TV projects as Wizards of Waverly Place, Melissa & Joey, Pretty Little Liars, as well as playing the main roles in TV series like Faking It and Runaways. In cinema, Gregg Sulkin can be seen in such films as White Frog, Another Me, Don't Hang Up, Status Update, and so on. He is a popular social media star and as of the mid 2024, there are over 5.2 million followers on his Instagram account.