How old is Gerard Pique?

Gerard Pique was born on 2 February 1987.
Gerard Pique is 38 years old.

How old is Gerard Pique in days now?

Gerard Pique is 38 years 1 month 5 days old.
Total 13,913 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gerard Pique?

Gerard Pique's next birthday is in 10 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gerard Pique?

Zodiac sign of Gerard Pique is Aquarius.

Gerard Pique is a long-time center-back player of Spanish National Football team and Barcelona. He was born in Barcelona in 1987 and began playing for Barcelona U-16 as a defensive midfielder. However, when he was 17 he's got a chance to continue developing as a young player in Manchester United youth team, so he moved to the UK and spent 4 years there, starting his professional career in Manchester United too. He was back to his homeland in 2006 and had to play 1 year for Zaragoza. In May 2008 Pique signed a contract with Barcelona, becoming one of the most expensive players in the country. He is one of only 4 players who managed to win 2 Champions League Cups in a row. His career for the Spanish National team was also very successful, where he made an excellent tandem with Sergio Ramos from Real. For many years Pique was married to a famous Colombian singer Shakira, who is the mother of his two children. Shakira and Gerard Pique are born on the same day, but she is 10 years senior of him. Picque has also modeled a few times for Spanish fashion media.

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