How old is Gavin Magnus?

Gavin Magnus was born on 26 March 2007.
Gavin Magnus is 18 years old.

How old is Gavin Magnus in days now?

Gavin Magnus is 18 years 2 days old.
Total 6,577 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gavin Magnus?

Gavin Magnus's next birthday is in 11 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gavin Magnus?

Zodiac sign of Gavin Magnus is Aries.

Gavin Magnus is a young American dancer and YouTuber, a pop singer and actor collaborating with a large number of producing companies and taking part in various TV programs. Born in 2007 in California, he is growing up alongside his two brothers. Since his early childhood he has been extremely interested in music and acting, so his mom Theresa sent him to a few classes. In the mid-2010s, Gavin opened his YouTube channel and began uploading plenty of cool and funny stuff, including the videos of his singing and dancing. That is how he was noticed by creative arts scouts and invited to join some projects of Nickelodeon and Dreamworks TV channels. Gavin Magnus is a member of the Rock Your Hair Squad and currently, he is getting ready to record his first album after signing up with Capitol Records. He has a huge number of fans and the number of followers on YouTube which is close to 7.2 million people and about 2.5 million fans on his Instagram page (as of the early 2025).

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