How old is Gary Sinise?

Gary Sinise was born on 17 March 1955.
Gary Sinise is 70 years old.

How old is Gary Sinise in days now?

Gary Sinise is 70 years 12 days old.
Total 25,580 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gary Sinise?

Gary Sinise's next birthday is in 11 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gary Sinise?

Zodiac sign of Gary Sinise is Pisces.

Gary Sinise is an American actor, movie director, and musician. He was born in 1955 in Illinois to the family of Italian origins. His father had to do with cinema that is why Gary began getting interesting in acting when he was very small. He also learned to play guitar and tried to pursue a career in music, but acting has finally won. His TV debut took place in the early 1980s with the roles in Knots Landing, True West and Family Secrets TV series. The most notable cinema roles of Sinise were played in the movies Of Men and Mice (which he directed and where he played the lead role, opposite John Malkovich), Truman, The Stand (with Rob Lowe), Forrest Gump, Apollo 13 and The Green Mile (with Tom Hanks), Ransom (with Mel Gibson), Snake Eyes (with Nick Cage), Impostor, The Human Stain (with Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman), The Forgotten (with Julianne Moore), and others. Gary Sinise attracted a lot of attention by his great performance in CSI: NY and CSI: Miami TV series. Sinise is a very active person, he is involved in politics, charity, sports, and various social events. He is married to an actress Moira Harris and they have 3 children.

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