How old is Froy Gutierrez?
Froy Gutierrez was born on 27 April 1998.
Froy Gutierrez is 26 years old.
How old is Froy Gutierrez in days now?
Froy Gutierrez is 26 years 10 months 8 days old.
Total 9,811 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Froy Gutierrez?
Froy Gutierrez's next birthday is in 1 month 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Froy Gutierrez?
Zodiac sign of Froy Gutierrez is Taurus.
Froy Gutierrez is a young American actor who rose to fame after portraying the character of Nolan in the TV series Teen Wolf. Born Froylan Gutierrez in 1998 in Texas, he grew up in a family of Mexican origins, alongside his parents and two siblings. Froy is fluent in English and Spanish. He started getting interested in acting on stage in his early teen ages and finished Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing Arts. He began his career by taking part in the filming of various commercials and continued appearing on the stage of the local theaters. His cinema debut took place in 2017 when Froy was invited to join the cast of the movie A Cowgirl's Story. He has been appearing on TV since 2015 and can be seen in such series as Bella and the Bulldogs, One Day At a Time, The Goldbergs, Teen Wolf, Liza on Demand, Light As a Feather, and so on. Froy Gutierrez is also a singer and has recently been trying himself in music by recording the hits like Fix Me, When It's Midnight, and so on.