How old is Freddie Highmore?

Freddie Highmore was born on 14 February 1992.
Freddie Highmore is 33 years old.

How old is Freddie Highmore in days now?

Freddie Highmore is 33 years 1 month old.
Total 12,082 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Freddie Highmore?

Freddie Highmore's next birthday is in 11 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Freddie Highmore?

Zodiac sign of Freddie Highmore is Aquarius.

A British actor Freddie Highmore was born in 1992 in a family of an actor and a talent scout. Thus, Freddie became famous as a child actor and started appearing in various movies since he was 7, with the debut role in the movie Women Taking Dirty followed by a small role in historical drama TV series The Mists of Avalon. Starting from 2004 Freddie became a popular child actor and took part in the movies like Finding Neverland, Two Brothers, Five Children and It, and finally played the lead role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory opposite Johnny Depp. Other famous roles of Freddie include his performances in the movie A Good Year (opposite Russell Crowe), Spiderwick Chronicles, The Arts of Getting By, The Journey, Almost Friends and others. Highmore also gave voice to the lead character of the animated series about Arthur. On TV, Freddie Highmore is known for his roles in the series Bates Motel and The Good Doctor

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