How old is Fiona Palomo?

Fiona Palomo was born on 12 October 1998.
Fiona Palomo is 26 years old.

How old is Fiona Palomo in days now?

Fiona Palomo is 26 years 5 months 14 days old.
Total 9,662 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Fiona Palomo?

Fiona Palomo's next birthday is in 6 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Fiona Palomo?

Zodiac sign of Fiona Palomo is Libra.

A lovely and talented actress from Mexico, Fiona Palomo is familiar to the general public for her great performance in a Netflix TV series Outer Banks. She was born in Mexico City in 1998, to the family of actors Eduardo Palomo and Carina Ricco. Her father passed away at a young age when Fiona was 5 years old, so she was raised by her mum alongside her younger brother Luca. In addition to being an actress, Carina is also a singer and songwriter, so undoubtedly she has had a lot of influence on Fiona's career and professional development. When Fiona was 10 years old, he mum opened her recording studio, so her kids had a chance to see and take part in recording music. Fiona's debut took place in 2013 when she joined filming Gossip Girl: Acapulco and appeared in 13 episodes. In the early 2020s she continued her television career by portraying Maria in a series Control Z and Sofia in Outer Banks. Fiona Palomo has already tried herself as a cinema actress in some Mexican movies, as well as by appearing in such Hollywood movies as Journey To Bethelham, Bad Actor, and El Roomie.

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