How old is Finn Cole?

Finn Cole was born on 9 November 1995.
Finn Cole is 29 years old.

How old is Finn Cole in days now?

Finn Cole is 29 years 4 months 22 days old.
Total 10,735 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Finn Cole?

Finn Cole's next birthday is in 7 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Finn Cole?

Zodiac sign of Finn Cole is Scorpio.

Finn Cole is a talented British actor and one of the Coles brothers, who are both actors and are known for their roles in the TV series Peaky Blinders. He was born in 1995 in Kingston and grew up in quite a large family of the parents and their five sons. Their father was a boatman, and in his childhood little Finn wanted to be a boatman too. Finn's elder brother Joe Cole is also an actor who helped Finn to be invited to his first professional auditions and roles. In 2012, Finn's acting debut took place, in a TV series Offender, and starting from 2014 he has been a member of the main cast of Peaky Blinders, along with his brother Joe. In the mid-2010s Finn Cole joined a few projects like Inspector Lewis and An Inspector Calls, and since 2016 he has been a part of the team of Animal Kingdom drama TV Series.

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