How old is Fetty Wap?
Fetty Wap was born on 7 June 1991.
Fetty Wap is 33 years old.
How old is Fetty Wap in days now?
Fetty Wap is 33 years 9 months 19 days old.
Total 12,346 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Fetty Wap?
Fetty Wap's next birthday is in 2 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Fetty Wap?
Zodiac sign of Fetty Wap is Gemini.
Fetty Wap is a musician and rapper who is also known as a part of the band The Remy Boys 1738. Born Willie Maxwell in 1991 in New Jersey, in a large family. Since his childhood, he has been having serious problems with his eyes which ended up by the removal of his left eye and placing an ocular prosthesis there. Willie started getting interested in music especially rap music in the early 2010s. He took the nickname Fetty Wap and started recording his first compositions inspired by the songs of Eminem and other rappers. In 2014 his first single Tap Queen came out and was noticed both by the audience and the critics. The same year his first mixtape was released, and a year later his first solo album titled Fetty Wap came out. In his other songs, Fetty Wap collaborated with Nicki Minaj, French Montana, and other famous singers. His second extended mixtape was released in 2016 and also attracted a lot of attention. In 2018, Wap released one more mixtape titled Bruce Wayne. His musical style can be characterized as a combination of hip hop and actual singing. Despite his quite young age, Fetty Wap is the father of 7 children, most of those are with different women.